Property development at the Gillem logistics center Forest Park, Georgia
Atlanta, GA | 2011 – Ongoing
Scope of Services
- Environmental Regulatory Support, including Brownfield and Hazardous Site Response Act (HSRA)
- Environmental Remediation Oversight
- Geotechnical Services including Construction Materials Testing (CMT)
Notable Accomplishments
The greatest challenge during warehouse construction was the weather; rain every week resulted in weather-impacted soils. The construction was therefore inherently more difficult and more costly. Oasis provided recommendations to reduce the impact and the additional cost, and consequently saved the client $500,000 in construction costs.
Project Gallery
Project summary
Prior to the initial closing between the client and the Forest Park URA, Oasis qualified the property for the brownfield program to obtain suitable soil and groundwater data and to qualify prospective purchasers for the property. Since then, Oasis has performed numerous brownfield cleanup services to assist the client with property redevelopment. Also, since parcels were being purchased in pieces, Oasis amended the Master PPCAP as needed.
Oasis performed lead-based paint and asbestos testing to support demolition activities performed by the client’s contractor. After the contractor completed the building demolition and had pulled up the slabs Oasis implemented the sampling provisions of the Master PPCAP and, as prescribed, performed environmental sampling under the slabs and throughout the mass excavation and grading. Oasis took soil samples and also provided geotechnical services for the construction.
In 2016, the client completed construction of an 847,000 square-foot warehouse on a 46-acre brownfield property site. Oasis was retained to provide environmental remediation services such as the removal of lead-contaminated paint and crushed batteries, as well as geotechnical CMT and inspection services. Oasis also performed stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and NPDES services on a weekly basis for the site throughout the duration of the 16-month project.
Environmentally impacted site conditions included a PCP dip tank with hazardous material including impacted soil, debris, undocumented utilities, and a great amount of ductile iron pipe. Oasis negotiated with the Army for payment of all disposal costs, although the client opted to manage the work in order to keep construction on schedule. Throughout the entire process Oasis has managed the reporting requirements and has filed insurance notices and claims (as needed) against the environmental insurance policy.
Oasis’ engineers have also been providing monthly progress reports in layman’s terms to the Forest Park URA’s Executive Director to keep the community updated on the progress of the redevelopment.